Welcome to the New Website!

Welcome to the New Website!

I'm so happy to welcoming you to my new website! I've been working on it for a few months behind the scenes and plan to update this space with regular blog posts devoted to studio news, sustainable living and other various topics that I think you will enjoy.

Today, let's just dive into a little sneak peek at what I have planned for you this coming year.

  • First up (and currently available) is a new collection of prints! I'm extremely excited for this as it's been quite some time since I've released new work. early motherhood was rather overwhelming but I'm happy to say that I am now back in the studio regularly and working on new work very dear to my heart. Some of those paintings are available as prints now.
  • I'm also working on a collection of original oil paintings to be released this spring! I'm hoping for a Spring Equinox release date (March 19/20.) Fingers crossed. 
  • After that I'm working to source some large scale limited edition canvas prints.

Of course there is much more to come, including at least one more collection in the fall. But I hope you are excited to see everything come to life over the next few months.




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